What is Mediation Services and the benefits of it?

Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, helps people in conflict to reach a mutually agreed-upon resolution. Mediation services are often used as an alternative to traditional legal methods of resolving disputes, such as lawsuits or arbitration. The benefits of mediation services include the following: 1. Cost-effective: Mediation services are typically less expensive than traditional legal methods of resolving disputes. Mediation does not require the cost of hiring a lawyer, going to court, or paying for other legal expenses. 2. Time-efficient: Mediation services can be completed much faster than a traditional lawsuit or arbitration process. Mediation sessions can be scheduled at a time that works for both parties, and the process is designed to be quick and efficient. 3. Confidential: Mediation services are confidential, meaning that the information discussed during the mediation process is protected and cannot be used in a court of law. ...